Stages with Warning Signs


Lines and wrinkles above and around lips are predictable.

They form and advance in stages.

During their formation warning signs are given, signaling their impending arrival.

Find your current stage

If you have warning signs in more than one stage, go to the higher one to get help.

You may have one or more of the following signs, seen in the lips below.

Stage I Warning Signs:

Vertical lip lines

Fading of lip surface color

Lightness in color at or along vermillion border(s)

Undefined or receding of vermillion border(s)

Stage I Treatment

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Stage II of Lines and Wrinkles Above and Around Lips:

When the warning signs of Stage I are overlooked and not immediately repaired, Stage II will always and inevitably follow.

Note: The over whelming majority of lip products promote healthy lips.

However, if your lips have any of the warning signs in any of the stages, your lip surface tissues and the underlying tissue layers are not being repaired and restructured.

Stage II Warning Signs:

Lines anywhere on the upper or lower vermillion border(s).

Line(s) crossing over the upper or lower vermillion border(s) onto the soft tissue.

Line(s) visible anywhere above or below the lips.

Stage II Treatment

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Stage III of Lines and Wrinkles Above and Around Lips:

When the warning signs of Stage II are overlooked and not immediately repaired, Stage III will always and inevitably follow.

It is only during Stage I and II that the signs are considered Warning Signs.

In Stage III and IV lines above the lips have become a focal point for the women in these stages and for those with whom they associate and converse.

Upper lip lines in Stage III can vary from noticeable to prominent.

Signs of Stage III

Noticeable lines above -and or- below the lips.

Many of these lines start at the upper vermillion border, while others can appear randomly anywhere between the top lip and base of the nose.

Lines below the lips generally start from the bottom lip surface or at the outer edge of bottom vermillion border.

In this stage, new lines can often appear with alarming rapidity.

Stage III Treatment

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Stage IV of Lines and Wrinkles Above and Around Lips:

Women whose lines and wrinkles are in Stage IV, have dealt with these lines for quite some time.

The underlying layers of lip tissue, along with the lip surface tissues, have endured prolonged moisture loss which has damaged the lips and the surrounding soft tissue.

As Kandis, the Lips 2 Kiss Founder explains:

"Facial skin around the lips is attached to underlying tissues. When these deeper tissues become severly dehydrated, they begin to constrict and pull the above tissues downward. This downward pull affects the surface to which they are attached.

I have termed this the Drawstring Effect which manifests in lines above the lips, often below the lips, an on the lip surface.

This is all attributable to intense dehydration within the layers of lip tissue. In Stage IV and beyond, the layers of lip tissue have endured prolonged hydration deprivation.”

Signs of Stage IV

Significant increase in the quantity of lines from Stage III.
Lines and furrows above -and or- below the lips are deeper.
Lines now extend further upward or downward as the case may be.

Important: Also follow the Stage IV Treatment if your situation has progressed further than the examples shown below.

Stage IV Treatment

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Aggressive Stage IV Treatment

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